hmmm...the very first thing you ppl shud understand is noone can justhack your yahoo id if you dont do something silly & stupid ...Thefour most common ways of Hacking Yahoo ids are ..
1.) Social Engineering
2.) Password Crackers
3.) Using Password Stealing Trojans/Keyloggers
4.) Fake Login Pages
Social Enginnering is actually nothing but trying to know your personaland confidential details and then using it to change your password..BUT HOW? ok there's a forgot password option with Yahoo which asksfor your B'day,Country & Zip Code & later your securityquestion..Now generally lamers who try this mode of Hacking have lotsof time to waste ..They will put you into some kindafriendship/emotional trap and try to get all the above mentionedinformation .It may take 1-2 days or even 1-2 month ...(Really I pittyon such lamers !! ).
Tip 1 : Never use your real information while registering on Yahoo(Infact don't use it anywhere on net)
Now if I talk bout a Hacker's perspective...
1.) The most common Security Question is "What's your Pet name?"..Nowmost of them answer it with very common pet names..I have put on a"names wordlist "in the worldlists section of the site so try thosenames n m sure u will crack it....Beside this some lamers confuse theirNickName with Pet Names if you know their Nick names u may belucky lol :-)
2.) As far as country is concerned ..try out those countries which youhave never heard of (weird names) ( Probably thats what the smartvictim thinks when he chooses a country...lmao) & do checkNepal,Phillipines & Bhutan..they r d most common
3.) Zip codes...123456 /007007/ ..something like this ...coz most of the smart victims are very lazy roflmao ...:-)
The second kinda Hacking attempt is done with the Help of YahooPassword Crackers...I doubt bout their efficiency bt still some of themr lucky (other way round u r stupid lol)..Password Crackers &Password Changers use Brute Force Technique with their updatedwordlists...WHAT IS BRUTE FORCE ?I'll make it simple's like usingall possible combinations and permutations on the available data andusing it as a password ..You can download some frm the Yahoo ToolsSection of the site ....Bt again it takes a hell lot of time to crack apassword ....
Tip 2: Always use alphanumeric passwords and try to keep it atleast 8 characters long ..( I personally prefer 12 characters

As far as Hacker's perspective is concerned...
Use the worldlist which has victims B'date,phonenumber,name,zipcode,lucky color,gf's name lol..words likesexy,love,cool,fun,insane,kill,hate & boss ..(You must have thesepersonal informations or else it may take the shit out of u ..trying tohack ...).Beside this generally ppl use their vehicle number,phonenumber,social security number,credit card number etc as theirpasswords...
The third and one of the most frequently used way of hacking orstealing Yahoo password is using trojans and keyloggers ..WHAT ARETROJANS? the tutorial ..I have already wrtten one ...btstill TROJANS are simple programs with a server part and the clientpart infect the victims computer with the server part and theserver then connects to the client running on your system and sendspasswords and vital informations..and KEYLOGGERS are programs whichrecord your keystrokes in a log.txt file and sends that log file to theHacker...The two most famous Yahoo Password stealing Trojans are MagicPS 1.5 SE ++ ( u can download it from this site ... ) & Smart PS1.5 SE ( Hmm...m trying to get it ...)...Once Infected by these trojansthe infected server sends your password to the Hackers Yahoo Messengerid as PM 's ...
How to use MAGIC PS 1.5 ?
Ok download from this site then run the mps.exe in it'll see an user inteface...check the boxes which read"Send Password"& "Send OS name " ...and then gibe an Yahoo id on which you wantthe Hacked Passwords to be send ..If you want some icon on it thenchoose the specified icon from the list and then click "Create MPS" .Aserver.exe will be made in the same folder or in the temp folder inwindows ....Send that file to the victim and once he executes it..Bingo u Have Hacked him/her lol ....
Tip 3: If you see a regsvr.exe file in you windows folder then u rinfected ..Also check the system folder(Win98) system 32(WinXp)...Restart your windows in DOS Mode and delete the file or pressCTRL+ALT+DEL and end that process(regsvr.exe){ Not regsvr32.exe it's asystem file }or see the list of files from the combo box of MPS clientreading" files after install" and then delete it if you find any ofthem in the windows/system32 folder.Beware sometimes the new MPScreates the server in more than 1 folder.Also look for tapi1314533.exein your system32 folder( digits after tapi will vary) ** Only solutionwhich will heal it permanently is to install a good antivirus(Norton2005 /AVG updates/McAfee) are the best.
Tip 4: If u see a flash of PM window disapperaing as you login into youYahoo & see some probs with the password field(stars changing withdots or vice-versa ).then its party time u r infected ...
Tip 5: Install a good Firewall /Anti-Hacker Program to kill all remoteconnections or a good freezer which cleans all fresh installations inyour primary drive.
As far as Hacker's perspective is concerned...
Pack/Bind the sender.exe (server) so as to make it undetectable byantivirus and then use the flash icon or the setup icon to spoof yourvictim .Tell him/her that the .exe file is a software patch or somekinda fun stuff and let him/her execute that file...USE THE SEND FILEoption of Yahoo messenger for this coz Yahoo mail is protected byNorton so its gonna eat up your server(If nt packed properly).You canalso bind the server with some good softwares and then send it but becarefull that the properties of the MPS trojan are not changed (Try iton yourself first :-) )
The last form of Yahoo Password stealing is done by using FAKE LOGINPAGES ..Now wht the **** :-) is Fake login Page ?These are cloned pagesof the real Yahoo Mail Sign in pages .They look very similar to thereal conterparts and really very difficult to distinguish..Once you putinyour real id and password and press the submit button you will beeither redirected to some other pasge /invalid login page but the trickhad already been played by this time ..your id and password would havebeen mailed to the Hackers mail id by using a 3rd party SMTP server andyou don't even realize that you are HACKED...
Tip 6: Always view the address bar ..If the address bar shows something like or then its the authentic page but if its something different then DONOT login.
Tip 7: Some older versions of IE support url redirecting for eg: Now the former portion seems to be like the authentic yahoo server address but the page is being redirected to so check out the URL well...
Tip8: Geocities is NOT YAHOO ..So don't get carried away ....
As far as Hacker's perspective is concerned...
Many free webhosts provide you with a feedback form option or a formmail option .So if you know a bit of HTML you can use their sever isPOST ACTION = "" of the Yahoo Fake Page.Just do "Save As " of the realYahoo page and then edit it form action section with your freeserver'saddress..But there's a problem..Generally these pages redirect you toTHANK YOU PAGES ..So even if you manage to get the password it's of nouse coz until and unless the victim is a reall ass lamer he/she wouldchange his/her password after seeing this page ..So the best thing todo is PHP NUKE Now wats dat ?? okie you should know a bit of PHP $<-- Values and you can code you own mailer.php and call that mailerthe PHP on the submit buttons event ..Also dont forget to add some reallooking HTML to your mailer the PHP ( may be a INVALID LOGIN PAGE ..)...
Beside this there's always the fear of Physical Hacking ( Some one canjuzz sneak in to see your password while you are typin it ) So becarefull..Some ppl do use Password Changers bt thats similar toPassword Crackers which I have mentioned above..
Remember this tutorial only teaches the basic terminology behind yahoopassword stealing . Hackers are always smarter than you so you neverknow ..... __________________